Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The place where no man has gone before.....

I'm pretty sure that the previous women who have visited the Internate may be the only ones to fully appreciate my latest accomplishment- if one could call it an accomplishment, it may be more of accepting the reality of a necessary evil.......

Today I braved the women's restroom at the Internate- I really had no choice, the cab had left to take Richard, Jessica and Zac back to the apartment and I had about 2 hours left at the school....I will leave out the visuals but know this is an experiance I wouldn't only wish on my worst enemy (OK maybe I still need a little work in that area of my heart but I probably would wish it on a few people I know). On top of the indignity of this particular lavatory (think nasty shower stall with grate removed from drain) but they have half doors on the stall to boot.

Following my bathroom drama we met with Kevin's bible class. Josh and Randi shared 4 worship songs with the class and we then opened the floor for questions......

If it is warm in the rest of the world will America be flooded?
What is the biggest earthquake you have every been in?
Can you feel a earthquake while you are on the Ocean?
Have you met any movie stars?
Do you have tsunamis in the US?
Do you have homeless people in America?
What do they wear?

We also met 2 of Kevin's teachers. We get a mixed response from everyone we meet, they either love our boys and think they are great or think they are a waste of time and don't understand why we would want them. Both of these teachers spoke very highly of Kevin.

Earlier in the day Josh, Randi and Zac also gave a worship performance for Alex's Bible class. We also signed some papers and then later that night signed them again since the originals had a typo.

Tomorrow our application is going to the court and hopefully shortly there after we will have a date for court. We have already had to change 4 tickets and still are looking for the best fare as they pricing for the 4 we needed to change was greatly more then we had hoped for.

Tomorrow I hope for a down day, the weather has be chilly that last few days and that makes it harder at the Interate because we do better outside then inside. We somehow manage to offend someone almost anytime we are inside ( I know its hard to imagine that the Barker family might step on a few toes).

Thank you all for your prayers, keep um coming...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my dear friend Jane, did I not give you enough warning about the bathrooms at the internate?!?! You are a brave sole, I saw them and decided that I didn't have to go that bad. I am so happy to hear that you are getting to participate in activities at the internate. You are giving some children experiences that they most likely will not get again. Remember, Let it shine. Vicki
