Saturday, March 7, 2009

Crazy taxi

Yesterday afternoon we experienced our first "crazy" taxi. Up to now we have mostly been in the care of Vasily "the axe wielding English speaking" cab driver. Last night we had a new driver and you would have thought that his house was on fire the way he was driving. In and out of traffic, on sidewalks, wrong way traffic and horn honking at every thing and every one.

Vasily is aggressive but will actually stop for pedistrians. Earlier in the day we went to the Bazaar with Vasily. He acts as driver and interpreter and guides us so we don't get taken along the way.

We then went to the Internate for AWANA. About 20 kids were there, first they sang a song, then said their memory verses and then had a bible story. After that they played several relay games which Josh, Zac and Danny were able to join. Only Alex participated out of our boys, it seems we will have a long way to go with the spiritual lives of our new children but at least they have some introduction to it. It is hard for them in the environment they live to survive, let alone believe that God cares about them. For all you following this blog who do not have adopted children please keep us all in prayer, it is a long journey a head to help these children learn to trust not only us but in a personal relationship with their God.


  1. So very true, even those of us with "new' children "in country" have a long way to go with the spiritual welfare and personal relationship with the Lord that we want for all of our children. I am so excited you got to "experience" a real taxi ride, an E-ticket to be sure!!! Don't forget to make it to the walking street coffee shop, use the "toilet" there and put your names on the wall! All our love and prayers, God bless, J&L and krew

  2. It's not an "E-Ticket", it is an "F-ticket" ... an "E-ticket" with an added Fear Factor! Any other taxi ride makes Vasily seem dosile. God Bless!!
