Monday, March 30, 2009

The Bus

As we wait and wait we are starting to notice that our money insists on being spent at the normal rate, not taking into account we need it to last longer then we originally intended. In an effort to curb unnecessary spending as you know we have started to walk different places and yesterday we all experienced our first ride on the city bus.

The bus to the internate was a relatively painless trip unless you count having to run in boots to catch it, while my endurance has increased during my many walks and flights of stairs, I have not begun to start running as of yet so the sprint to the bus was a bit stressful on my end.

Once on the bus the trip was relatively short and we arrived at the Internate. Yesterday the boys finished the outhouse next to there club house and then played various games on the field. It was a shorter day as we had to leave to get ready for church and our host wanted to take us by the University first. The bus ride back was a bit unique. Apparently it is not necessary for the doors to be shut prior to the bus leaving, nor is it necessary to pay as entering or to have a seat. We crammed in the best we could, I paid the driver and then watched him make various amounts of change for other passengers while driving. Just when we thought no one else could possibly squeeze in they would and did. We decided to get off a few stops early and walk the rest of the way home.

We did take a taxi to the university and then walked from their to church, about a mile. The service was especially good, the pastor spoke mostly on how big is your God and all things considering this was a good message for us as this is our 5th Sunday in Ukraine. They also each week have a separate pastor speak for 15-20 minutes prior to the offering on the offering. Service lasts about 2 1/2 hours.

Following church we went home and made tacos. We had received a care package from home and have never been so excited over a simple meal. I can not tell you how wonderful those tacos were.

Its Monday now about 2:30 and I still wait for news on our court date. I will post again if/when we hear something.


  1. Dear Barkers, Congratulations and welcome to all things Ukraine!!!I remember my first bus ride with our camp friend, she insisted it was an experience I must experience and boy, was she right! Don't you just love how they pass the fare up and down the "isle" to and from passenger to driver and back!! Oh, the memories, good-times, good-times! Ah, and what about the sights & smells at the bazaars........Can't wait to hear the stories of the families there during summer's heat!!!! Keep the faith, Go bless, J&L

  2. God bless..... I guess I have sticky keys
