Sunday, March 15, 2009

Prayer for the final countdown

Today we had a nice relaxing day. We first walked to a Bazaar/swap meet style shopping area by our apartment. We then went to the Internate to see the boys. Joseph taught Josh and Zac how to do a front flip while Alex played soccer with Jessica. We then went to Mario's Pizza for dinner and pretty much ate until we were all stuffed for about $23. Lastly we went to church again. This time the pastor introduced us as their American brothers and sisters in the Lord, briefly mentioned why we were their and ask us to share a bit about our adoption journey.

Tomorrow we sign our applications to adopt in front of a Notary. We have a few major prayer requests that we ask of you and everyone else who you can call to prayer on our behalf.

1st- We are still approaching uncharted territory with adopting 3 unrelated children, we have taken all steps that we have been instructed to, however the court can still veto the adoptions.

2ed- We are the first family to use this specific court as the districts changed since the last successful adoption. We have been told that this is not favorable towards us and our situation.

3rd- There are some concerns with the size of our family, why we would want to adopt 3 boys and if the boys will bond with our children.

So please please keep us in prayer for this last leg of our journey.

1 comment:

  1. Barker clan,
    We are watching and praying with each browse of your blog. Know that we are praying fervently. Loved seeing the that Zach!! Nice job bud! Enjoy your time together and hope to read successful news soon.
